Lanky Studios has brought their magnum opus to your screens, Psycho Rabbits 2 is a step up from the first film in every way!
Image created by Ben Gascoigne-Pees
10/10 - Forget Return of the King, forget Dune Part 2, this is cinema - bigjimbus120499
10/10 - I didn't really understand it - my dad
10/10 - It was lovely - my mum
10/10 - Truly the movie of all time. Oscar Woodward is a phenomenal actor, his delivery of the line "nooooooooooo" made me weep. With groundbreaking CGI on top of this I can confidently say this is the best movie I've ever seen - jatenones
The heartbraking war between Gavin Bloke (Oscar Woodward) and his brother, Bobby (Ben Goodchild) rages on, picking up directly where the first Psycho Rabbits left off, this tale ventures deeper into this twisted story, exploring the horror, violence and tragedy to come...
As well as most of the returning cast from the first film, Psycho Rabbits 2 introduces Taylor Smith, Curtis Hammond and Nate Jones to the Lanky Studios crew, with each of them giving an equaly amazing performance worthy of this film
'Psycho Rabbits' and 'Psycho Rabbits 2' are owned by Lanky Studios under the Copyright Design and Patents Act of 1988